Monday, September 6, 2010

The Human Life Struggling To Schlep Versus The Degage Life Of A Seed

The human life.
It's very complicated.

It does not have a path.
It has to create its own.
So no matter which way you turn,
every way seems right.

Scarlett was lost.
Not geologically, but phycologically and mentally.
Sure, she was in school.
Living by herself.
Living the dream she always thought she wanted.

So what's the problem then, Scarlett.
Why are you always sad ?
Why do you look like you are always crying ?
Why are you always alone ?
Why are you so scared ?
Of everything ?

She goes to school.
She is lifeless.
Wishing everything was different.
Waiting for a better life.
Why are you doing this to yourself ?
Silly girl, no one is going to help you
You are alone and unhappy.
This is your life.

It's the harsh reality, But sugar coated icing is only for birthday cakes.
After school, she visits her best friend.
Her best friend, her family, her pet, the only thing that will listen to her.
She is envious.
It's her haven, she never wants to leave.
This makes her feel. Nothing has ever touched her like this.
The warm embrace of true love wrapping around her and squeezing her tight.
Like the perfect bow. like a gift you never want to open, but just sit back and admire it's beauty
It's so wise.
It always knows the right direction.
It only knows one direction.

She whispers
"Tell me your secret"
"I'm in desperate need to know what to do, where to go"
"How will I know what I am doing is right !"
"Its not fair !" she screams out to no one.

There is just this empty land
After several hours of laying there it speaks
"It's just you and me, I love you"
She rests, nestled in her best friend.
The best friend takes its long branches and does not comfort the crying child.
The branches grow, higher and higher.
They degage because it knows.

The Tree.

The tree goes in one direction. 
It grows bigger, higher, fatter.
It has a predetermined mindset and it never stops growing.
It beeks all of the time.
The tree is the all time wise man.
It is never confused in its life span.
It doesn't take emotional abuse even though he loves you.
It doesn't have to figure out what it wants to do in life.
It never buckles to peer pressure, It has self control.
It's never sexually confused.
It doesn't have to go through the heart break of divorce while still wondering if it's good for the kids.
It does have to make ends meet each month.
It doesn't get stepped on.
It is completely independent on all of life's casualties.

The Human
Struggles to schlep in any direction.
Constantly in the maze of where do I go now.
All these problems, no solutions.
Drives the brain mad.

"Things that are supposed to be there aren't,
They aren't there.
Why ?
I did everything right.
I followed the formula."
Silly Scarlett.
Your actions have got you no where.
Your inability to develop yourself has left you in the exact same step you were standing in your entire life.

"Take your foot, and place in right infront of you.
I don't care where, just do it"

"Ok, now what"

"Keep it there, your growth will move it for you"

The tree was her teacher, her preacher, her parents, her lover, her soul.
The tree really did speak to her.
She really needed him.

At 9 P.m. The sun was going to bed, and the moon had the nightshift, so she headed on home.
Looking back at the tree, as to wave it goodbye.
She looks at her feet stepping forward, pounding the dirt, as if she has this new found respect and determination for herself that no amount of matter could replace.
She felt like she was given a second chance.
She smiles.

Eager to return to the tree after school, Scarlett skips last period.
Too excited to wait.
Dying to know what life tales it has for her now.
Talking until sunset.

She pounds the gravel.
She is making her feet move.
The soles of her feet grinding against the dirt, taking back all of the sorrow and anger she has felt towards it.
Almost there.
It looks different.


There is nothing there.
The grass, bushes, animals, life has been scraped off the earth and replaced with money.
Dirty money scattered all over the floor,
as big as a shopping mall.
She stops dead in her tracks and looks at the point where she died.
She imagined it.
It struggled.
They yanked at it from the roots up.
It screamed, but nothing was listening to it.
Flopping on the surface, bleeding to death alone.
Calling her name.
She felt eternal sadness.
Her body collapsed her to the floor.
Her mind could not hold herself up anymore.
She wasn't ready to be utterly alone yet.
and yet again.


One piece of advice.

No Direction.

A white piece of mind was rolling on the dirt
It was a note.

Dear Scarlett,
Good luck on your journey,
Sorry I couldn't stay.


1 comment:

  1. i love you blogs they always have a meaning ... and its true life is hard :(
