Friday, June 25, 2010

Mind of a swine

A breed sharing intimacy.

Why do people bring each other down.

What satisfaction does it bring them knowing that they are making someone sad and feel like shit.
Does it make your existence more meaningful?

Right now my mom is a borderline lesbian. She hasn't told me but I'm sensing it. She is always talking about how she hates what my dad has turned into and how she just hates men in general.
I'm sure if she wasn't so old fashioned that she would be instead of a black a white rule book she clutches at her chest where the world is still stuck in the 1950's.
Don't get me wrong I love the 1950's. Just not their rules. No gays, No sex, No divorce, No black people, old men cannot date young girls.

Something from Sex and The City 2 made me change the way I think about just about everything. It said "In marriage, you make your own rules". 
So, if your married and you and your partner like to swing, then those are your rules, and they're okay.
I can't see anything wrong with people wanting to do things their own way. Isn't that individuality?
Someone can't have 3 children and get remarried because you don't like the way it looks?
That really gets to me.
Having both parents like that, you can see why I moved out.

I also have a beef with men. Not all men, mostly the ones who live in dreamland known as Woodbridge "where everyone is the center of the universe here"
Every woman is depicted as a whore and they must take off their clothes on demand. Women are only good for cooking and sex and that's it. They don't belong in the workforce.

The worst part is...

Most women also think like this and now girls are too. 
I can't fill up my hand with names of how many girls try to impress guys but trying to act sexy. That fad is over its been overplayed. Stop prostituting yourself, Its depressing.
It depressing to see all these girls being under appreciated and they do nothing about it. Which makes boys think they can treat them like shit.

Women are like nails, if you keep hammering their head with negative things they will sink lower and lower under they are depressed under the wood. Some always pop back up but most like to stay where they are.

Why can't everyone just be nice to each other.

If you have something mean to say to me.

Go fuck yourself.

I am not afraid of you

What happened to the women who burned their bra's for freedom. Where are they now? We need them more than ever.

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