Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Recent heliolatry when the time is right

The road is long. Take your time.

Why is it that everyone is grumpy on rainy days? 
I am no exception.
 My mood is completely compliant with the weather, as with my knees. Although, Since the sun has been out rather a lot this year I feel as though I am happier. Not only happy but I am happy with my life. I see progression, I've been trying harder to get to the things that I want. Least we forget, we are apart of Mother Nature and we are organisms, like plants. We need the sun to grow as human beings, as people, as citizens. I believe the sun makes people come together. People are nicer when the weather is beautiful, especially in big over crowded cities or metropolis'. 

I worship the sun.
Not in a religious point of view, but whenever I go outside
and its a nice hot sunny day
I whisper to myself
Today is a beautiful day
It makes me convince myself that today will be a good day because I have control over the way I feel. 

When its a rainy foggy day its harder. My knee's hurt, my mood is sour, and I'm terribly lazy.

In this new part of my life. I am cutting over every time I ever felt miserable. Every thought I ever felt, will be gone. I am trying to grow and push myself to be better in every way. 

As much as having memories is nice. Its not worth it. Having memories do nothing but bring you down about how great things used to be, then you constantly think
 "But why cant it go back to the way it used to be"

Don't get me wrong memories are nice as pictures. Not to be brought up at every coffee meeting with an old friend. 

Don't give in to convenience

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