Friday, July 9, 2010

Happiness' Tantivy Performance

I am getting addicted to writing.
It gives me a bodily rush letting all my emotions out so I don't have to keep them anymore.
Letting others in.

Happiness should be considered a drug.
It is an amazing feeling and it is addicting.

I can also be considered emotional money.
It makes people greedy for more, and they try to get it no matter the stakes.



They should bottle happiness,
sell them at the convenience stores.
That way everyone would be happy all the time.

What would it be like to be happy all the time ?
Would people get bored of being happy ?
Would the world be a better place ?

Happiness is a treat for me.

It doesn't come often by itself,
and when it comes it leaves without saying goodbye.

How do you keep happiness ?

I am trying to be a happier person day by day, but it is so god damn hard it feels like the more I search the more I stray from my goal.

If I had one wish,
just one,
I would wish that happiness could be prescribed to me by my local physician.
Hmm, Then their would be a 19% tax on it.

There was a time when happiness didn't have a price.
Now for as low as $1.25 you can get temporary happiness from even a coffee.

I want to meet someone who is always happy and ask them their secret.

"Excuse me, sir, madame, what is your secret to staying happy ?"

In my dreams they might say

"Believe in yourself."


1 comment:

  1. I could use some happiness in a bottle right about now.
