Monday, July 12, 2010

How to subtilize the universe.

Like all philosophers, the universe is never a neophyte topic.
Except, that I am not a philosopher.

I saw a cartoon the other day.
I don't remember which one, I'm not even 100% sure what happened.
What I saw though, had me deep in thought and appreciation.

This particular cartoon boy wanted to orbit around the sun.
He is a cartoon, so or course he did it without a helmut or suit or spaceship.
He was circling the sun, like the moon circles the sun.
With one face.

Then, my mind drifted because that particular cartoon was boring.
First, I thought; What if people lived on the boy.
He is the same distance away from the sun, like the earth is.
Plus, he is orbiting.
But! he is not rotating.
That means if people where to live on him only half would see daylight and the other half would forever be in darkness.

The sunny side would be awesome because you can just get some overly industrial blinds to block out the sun.
Then I thought.
But what about the birds and the plants.
They would burn up and die.

Then I thought how much worse the dark side would be.
Constantly in fear.
It would be utter chaos and depression.
Non stop crime and partying.

To cross over from light side to dark.
That would be scary.
Fear of the dark unknown. Not knowing what reaps where you cannot see.

Then, after I got over that brain fart. I started to appreciate the earth.
"Damn, the earth is so smart.
because of the simple fact that it rotates, we have life."
No other planet (that we know) has life.
This planet just seemed to luck out.
It just happened to be the perfect distance from the sun, and rotate.


Then I started to think about the other things that acted like the earth.

Like human bodies.

Our bodies are amazing creations but not enough people realize it.
People over look the human anatomy because everyone is born with it.
It's not special.

If you take care of your body it will take care of you!
I'm sure you have heard this from your doctor, but let me explain.

When you are sick, how do you get better?
Millions of little cells battle to make you better.
They always know exactly what is wrong.

When you are in pain. How does it stop.
Your nerves send signals to your brain that it hurts, then your brain releases it's natural pain killers.

How about this basic question.

You eat, How do you digest.

Your body always knows whats wrong and how to fix it.

Not all are perfect, but the one's that do have healthy bodies destroy them.

Drugs are a slow form of suicide.
They destroy all those cells and organisms that are helping you stay alive.
Just for that rush?
Just to get fucked up?

Your brain on drugs.
Haiti's earthquake.
It fucks everything up, millions are dead, and the next day your body has to rebuild everything that you have destroyed.

Even when I see really fat people, I get sad.
Why are you doing that to your body, when all it did for you was take care of you.

Drugs, Alcohol, Junk Food.

Do you really think these will make you happy?

This temporary happiness is nothing but an illusion.

You aren't happy.

You will never be happy until your body is happy.


  1. I agree entirely with all that you have said. I feel the happiest when I am taking care of my body and helping it, not destroying it with substances. That is one of the reasons why I feel so guilty when I drink because I know that I am willingly harming myself when I should be rewarding and loving myself. This entry also hits close to home today because I found out that an old highschool friend died last night from a morphine overdose...he had substance abuse problems. So sad that such a young life was taken all to get a 'high'. It makes you want to go back in time and tell him that this time it won't be worth it.

  2. I agree we must try to accomplish a balance in our life. If one wants to feel good about them self then they must be willing to take the necessary steps towards making sure the are physically well before they can be mentally well. To find satisfaction has to come from stability and balance. Loved the cartoon idea by the way lol :)
