Thursday, July 8, 2010

The journey of the sibylline wing.

While waiting on the curb for my mother to pick me up at work, I was alone and bored.
I was restless in the midday sun. I was not tired, but the sun threw a blanket of heat over my head that I could not take off.

Arms on knees, face in hand. I closed my eyes. 

When I opened them I was looking at the floor.
 What I saw was way more than I thought I had bargained for.

I saw a tiny insect wing.

It looked like the picture above, and was no bigger than my thumb nail.
I wasn't too sure which bug it belonged too.
Maybe a fly.

Then my girl instincts kicked in and I felt every single feeling while looking at this lone wing, swirling in the hot wind.

Sadness, for it was lost.
Happiness, because it danced in circles for me.
Anger, because it made me feel.

This wing belonged to Mr. Fly. He needed this wing to fly.

It was a twin to another wing and without one, the other cannot work.

The owner of this wing, Mr. Fly, probably did not care if it was missing.
I'm not too sure if he can turn around and see if both wings were there so I don't think he would notice if it was gone. 

Foolish fly.

He will never be the same again.
He will never fly gracefully threw the air, missing every smack of the fly swatter.
He will never sneak onto an unsuspecting customer's food, only to grab a quick bite before he is caught.
He will never fly twenty feet into the air or soar over the morning dew grass.
He will never see another country sunset.

He is missing his first instinct, and meaning of his life; to fly.

The wing was lost and abandoned and Mr. Fly will never see it again.
Mr. Fly was probably dead.

Then, with a extensive gust of wind, the wing was gone.

How easily that wing disappeared from existence.
Like it never was to begin with.

The best part is the wing was the soul reason how Mr. Fly received his name.

If not for this wing, how could Mr. Fly live ?
How would he escape danger ?
How would he travel the world ?
How would he find love ?
How would he function ?
What would get him out of bed in the morning?

Something so insignificant,
made this creature exist.

How can you not notice ?

How can you forget the wing ?

It's gone.

It's Gone.


  1. Wow.
    I am speechless.

  2. Hey Lina, I really loved this. I have never felt more love and sympathy for a fly before. Also, you raised an excellent point, and question. Mr. fly lost the thing that defines him; his wings. His wings are the element in which he is recognized and defined... his purpose and meaning in life, what we understand a fly to be. As a human being, we can definitely find that one thing that makes us a human being and or reason for existing... and I believe in that....I always thought the meaning of life was ultimately elusive, but now I feel that is has way more to do with our own distinction as a human being, and what is it that makes us human... I loved this...

  3. wow :) glad you got that out of it. When I thought of it when it happened it made me think of a thousand things
