Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Take a light jog threw my mind

Man, there is so many things running threw my mind right now.
Not posting for a few days makes Lemmy go crazy.

For a little run threw, I'm talking about Gay Pride Parade, and my dad.
So, 2 opposite sides of the visible spectrum.

I went to the Pride Parade on Sunday, with my Diggy.
It was mine and Diggy's first experience.
Low and behold we did get there too late, but we did see some quite unusual things.
A parade where if your not dressed slutty or weird or not normal. Then, you are looked at as a freak :)
A place where being straight is not welcome.
It was still pretty cool.
Before the parade I have never really seen two people of the same sex holding hands or being affectionate. 
When I saw this at the parade I became really happy. 
For the week, the streets became a place where being different was wanted and no one would dare judge.
I was so happy about this affection being spread that I dare not to be disgusted or repulsed by manly men kissing or manly woman holding hands.
How can you judge love?
How can you think "those two men are giving the world have a little more happiness, but that's wrong. Replace it with hate"
Hate is accepted as long as it looks good.

To leave it on that lovely note.

The generator of hate reaps around the corners.
He expires happiness and the selfish creator of emotional greed
My father.

Some say I should be grateful because he gave me life.
Charles Manson also gave a child life.
Should he be let out of jail?
Did I mention the mother was raped? And she still kept the baby.
Now that is a hero.

Can someone still be called a father when they are not there to bring you up?
Are they still a father when they decide to be there at their convenience?
These are just pointless labels, but treated as the law.
Why so many questions that will never get answered.
Like a lonely man just looking for his soul mate.
Drifting in space, wondering what could be.

It hurts.
Sometimes, Physically.
Something that should be there, Isn't.
But, it could be! It's just not.
Anyway, It's too late now.
Just a fading memory.

So, many thoughts are running threw my mind.

I need a storage place for them.
Put them in boxes but dare never to open them.

Just Forget.


1 comment:

  1. "Hate is accepted as long as it looks good."
    I love this and it is so very true.

    And the last part of this entry almost made me cry. <3
