Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to squelch the bijou of self confidence

It was love at first sight.
I love my glasses.

I am not a label type of person.

Even through high school, I had a specific group of friends, but I still talked to everyone.

If I liked something, I did it or I got it.

I did not follow the label of a rebel, goth, rocker, punk, prep.

I was just labeled.

I like being different.

Not having the same things as everyone else is who I am.

I never followed trends, but if I liked a pair of shorts from Aritzia I would get them, but my closet isn't dedicated to that store.

Everything is easier with a label.

Fruit, clothes, boys, cars, fashion
The good, the bad.

I used to be a very confident person when I was in Grade 3 and below.
I wasn't afraid of anything.

Now my self confidence is so weak I am awake before it fell asleep, so it doesn't accompany me for most of the day.

Now-a-days, it feels harder to talk to people.
even living in Niagara it feels like I have a new label.


It's hard to talk to anti social people. It's hard to talk to people who don't care for your existence.

Do I have piercings all over my face?
Are my eye lids tattooed?
Am I dressed in all black and have a sour face?
What compels you to stare?
What compels you to ignore me?

Do I accept my label?

I have no labels.

My name is Carmelina Autumn.

That is my label.

This is who I am and it is a neat little package that explains everything that I've done and accomplished.

Unlike a label I can never change this.

It's taken me twenty years not to want to.

Self Confidence Downloading.


  1. You look stunning!
    I never feel like I belong anywhere...maybe we're just searching for 'our place'.
    One thing I have always liked about you was the way you never labeled anyone and you never judged someone right off the bat when meeting them; reminds me of the first day of school when you talked to me in line :).

  2. haha thanks! I love them sooo much :D when I get lenses for them I'll show you in person.
    ya i used to do that in person then when I met them and they were so nice I would feel like shit for thinking bad things.
    I told my sister that story yesterday because yesterday was her first day of highschool (summer school) and she was freaking out because none of her friends were there :P
